25 Jobs That Pay Over $100K and Don’t Require a College Degree

You don’t always need an expensive college degree to score a job with a great salary. There are lots of career options that don’t require you to spend years in higher education, which can leave you in debt.

From web developers to senior management roles, here are 25 jobs that pay $100K or more that don’t require a college qualification. While people with degrees do apply for these jobs, workers with experience and training are valued too.

Real estate broker

Real estate brokers help others to sell or purchase property, which is usually a house or land. Not only must the broker understand the market value of each property they are selling, they should also know how to advertise and negotiate a sale. Although the average salary is around $57K, some real estate brokers can earn up to $106K, according to Payscale.

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Real estate agents arrive at a house