Julie Karpodini: Painting Instinct – Jackson’s Art Blog

Julie Karpodini won the Animal Award in the Jackson’s Painting Prize this year with her work Elvira’s Dogs. In this interview, Julie discusses her well developed processes, sketchbook practice, and communication with her paintings.

Above image: Julie working in her studio in rural Spain.


Lisa: What is your process for starting a painting, and is it always the same approach?

Julie: I usually begin with very fast sketches, generally in oil. I have sketchbooks lying around with pages primed in a particular clear acrylic primer I like, so that if the sketch becomes more than a sketch the work is somewhat archival. When I am working on a commission the start tends to be a lot clearer, as I have limitations to work within and am often provided with photos from the client. I use the photos for a visual spark or idea that I like and then make