Unison Colour Soft Pastels: Set of 8 Half Sticks

Here I’ll be giving you my first impressions of the new Unison Colour Soft Pastels: Set of 8 Half Sticks. I have several individual Unison Colour soft pastels, as well as their landscape set of 16 Half Sticks and portrait Set of 8 Sticks, so I’m looking forward to seeing what these smaller sets can offer an artist.



Please note: Some of the materials in this article are currently out of stock, but will be back in stock again very soon and you can sign up to be notified when they are.


Unison Colour is offering the Set of 8 Half Sticks as a low cost option to introduce artists to soft pastels at a great price point. All their soft pastels are made by hand and the quality is excellent, so being able to afford a small set is wonderful for artists on a budget, or someone keen to

The Colour Pencil Pressure Test

In my 2nd report about applying colour pencil I am focusing on stress. Understanding the tension you implement when laying down pencil is 1 of the most crucial features of doing work with this medium. In this article I will reveal how to assess and change the pressure you use to assistance you realize much better final results.

Why is force so crucial?

Image of a scream test

When setting up out with colour pencils a ton of newcomers frequently give up quite early on. Often this is only due to the fact they are so distinctive to do the job with when compared to other a lot more classic mediums. Colour pencil is witnessed as really a sluggish medium that requires patience and perseverance. In addition they also demand a little bit of a unique approach to how you operate. Colours are blended and blended specifically on the surface area utilizing multiple levels and